Why allow some one else to ruin your life?
The Egyptians have a wonderful saying;
Often people hold on to pain,
saying he or she did this to me.
I am suffering because of what
another person has done.
The beauty of life is that we all have
a free will - we might have to
adjust to others around us but
essentially we do have the right to
decide how we are going to react.
How much power we are going to
allow a person to have over us.
Yes you may have had a rough ride
through life - but the seas won't get
any better unless you do something!
So take a lesson from the Egyptians
and wipe the Kartush of the person
to whom you bear a grudge
off the face of the earth.
Let yourself be free of bitterness,
If something no longer exists in your eyes
then it can't hurt or upset you.
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